Sunday was the mass gathering of my mentor, Keane Lee's insights of market outlook for 2010.
Me and Terence attended and we kept our motivation up high.
Keane emphasize a lot on the psychology factor that have been stopping many people of achieving success.
Therefore, I saw the mass gathering as a useful place to boast my personal motivation and also to check if I'm still on course for my goals.
Again, 1 hour of the whole seminar was used in reinforcing the statement, "Follow the Rules" which had saw plenty of people exited the stock market last friday.
As posted previously, The emotion is a very dangerous feeling to have if not tamed. Especially in the equity market. I'm glad that i had followed the rules. And not just being able to follow the rules, I've prove that i could "over-write" what my mind throws at me.
Chris and Terence likes the the saying of "Nothing have a meaning except for the meaning we give it"
It's very true. And I agree on it too. Another POWERFUL, motivational statement we picked up was "It was the best of time. It was the worst of time."
A brief explanation of the statement would be telling is that at any period of time, It could be the best or the worst depending on how each one sees it.
Take for example, In 2009, T3B students were having the BEST OF TIMES when they follow the rules and rode on the trends to make as much as 400% of their capital since April.
At the same time, In April, Many people were having the WORST OF TIMES when they made plenty of failed investments, especially when they loss money in whichever stock they've bought.
A secret to Success is to choose a powerful statement and live by it. True or true? TRUE!
Like i was taught in NOV 2009, Success is about doing things the right way repetitively. In other words, "Once you have found the right method, mentor to help you achieve your goals, stay focus (stick to it) on that particular way and follow through."
The similarities i've seen from T. Harv Eker and Keane Lee is that they both acknowledged that there is plenty of ways to Success or making money out there. But we got to choose one that is most suitable for each of us and ONLY YOU yourself knows whether if it is anot!
For me, I'm very grateful that I got to know Keane's T3B system through my supposedly "JUNK MAIL".
I'll briefly share with you here how i got to know Keane. In Nov 2009, it was 3 days after i had completed my Millionaire Mind Intensive 2009 seminar and was very upbeat about attending even more Free seminars.
Beforehand, I have always go into my Yahoo Mail and delete plenty of UNWANTED emails from websites like Job Central without even looking at its content.
However, one afternoon, I was "clearing" my email as usual but for once, I browse through all the headers and this header caught my attention. It says "I've made $9XXXX in my first month!" So, I thought it was some sort of crazy scam mail but i still opened up and found that it was an invitation for a Stock Seminar preview for T3B system.
T3B system is the system which had helped MANY people to success. And the header was only 1 of many Success stories posted by the Graduates.
I told myself that since it's a free stock seminar, I might as well register for it. And i also shared this information with both QQ and Terence whom subsequently attended the preview talk with me.
I won't go into details of what I've learnt from the seminar since I've already shared that in one of my post previously. In conclusion, Me and Terence were convinced by the system and of course, 1 of T3B mentors, Derrick Tan, that we could as least give this system a chance.
It was not a cheap decision especially,we were still unsure of the system and have to fork up $2800 for the 2 and 1/2 day seminar.
But, after the seminar, we never looked back. All me and Terence are focusing now is to made as much profits out of the Equity Market using the RULES of the system. And I'll share the 1 and only GOLDEN rule which i have always been saying:
Simple? And most of you would have thought that I'll probably list a whole page of rules to follow before buying or selling a stock right? Haha
Lastly, I would like to quote what 1 of T3B mentor, Darren, had mentioned. He said that it HELPS a lot if there is a partner-in-crime for which we do anything! For him, He had his sister's boyfriend whom will always discuss which stock to buy and what price to sell.
So, there's a mini competition going on to keep up the passion and motivation within them. I've got to agree to that and I see Terence as the guy whom we will keep each others' motivation up, making sure that we stay on track and ultimately, Follow the rules!
And here are my success:
1. I attended Candise's Wedding dinner on Sunday!
2. I attended Keane's Mass Gathering on Sunday!
3. I deposited $50 from my Financial Freedom Account to my BANK!
4. I got to try Revenge of the Mummy ride at USS for 3 times!
5. I Received a SMS telling me that I've won the Net's Flashpay competition! (reward is $10 shopping voucher)
6. I received $3000 from my Mum to help her re-invest from the money she gained from selling her ComfortDelgro shares!
7. I funded the $3000 to my MF Global Account through iBanking today!
So, I'll end another of my motivational post with:
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Today is the second time i took out the money from my Financial Freedom Fund and count! I have saved $50 over the pass 30 days and Ill be putting the money into my bank account tomorrow. =)
I did a very bad decision today. And the consequence, a loss of $42!
I was surfing facebook today when i saw one of the facebook advertisement from the corner. It was a fan page for a group. It have a online business website and it seems to me that the website is created by a Singaporean since the transaction currency is in SGD.
Anyway, the company is call WinMeAuction. As the name suggest, it is a Auctioning website. Something special about this website is that it advertised that their Iphone 3GS are selling at the price of $14.50!
That immediately caught my eye. The company even emphasize about how everyone of their item are selling at a saving rate of 90% and above!
I was curios and went in to have a look. The company was fair in the sense that it have explained on how they their business model. That the made money through the sales of "bids".
Bids are required in auctions and the company's profits are all coming from the sales of "Bids"! Furthermore, The Auctions rules are a little different, Every bid increases the Total price of 1 cent! YES IT"S 1 CENT!
Plus, a further time slot of 10 seconds. Initially, I didn't really know the importance about the added time till i purchased the bids.
I can tell you, the bids are the ones that is racking in all the money! 1 bid cost like SGD$1.00!
Regardless, I bought the cheapest package at $42 with a total of 38 bids.
Before this, I haven't really participate in any auction activity. They have this Countdown timer for example, A Iphone 3GS. At the Auction was counting down for the last 10 seconds, I suddenly saw someone bids in. And that "extends" the auction time. And this situation continues for as long as 5 hours! Until everybody used up all the bids they had purchased, AND, if they still do not give up, some will continue to buy "bids" and carry on bidding!
I know it sounds confusing here but what i'm trying to say is that this business model is BRILLIANT! lol!
Brilliant in the case of the business owner but not the bidders. I have to relate this business as one of the Casino operators!
Taking the Iphone which was sold at $14.50 for example, we will see that the company have earned $1450 given an estimated price per bid was $1.
That itself, have already covered the cost of the Iphone. Although it could turn out a Win-Win situation for the eventual buyer ( because the eventual winner could be someone who may win using as low as 1 bid and pay $14.50), The bidding involves alot of people pushing the price up.
And i happen to be one of the unlucky guys to do that. =(
Lesson learn today is not to act emotionally! Unless you have the experience of bidding in an Auction, Never be stuck into this vicious cycle.
Had i purchases a even bigger "starting package" and my bidding strategy isn't right, then i could still lose all my money and win nothing!
Afterall, Auction is something which the last bidder-win-all! And in this case, the final price is something which everybody is willing to pay, Can you imagine paying $15 for a Iphone?!
So, that's something which i wanted to share today. I'm not saying that Auction is not good because auction winners do really win a big gain! But, I would like to say that in order to win, EVERYBODY HAVE TO LOSE!
And here are my 5 success for today:
1 I deposited $1.80 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I learn a very valuable lesson of Auctioning at a price of $42 (something i think is reasonable)
3. I counted my savings over the past 30 days!
4. I did my Wealth Declaration today!
5. I pull out my blazer and try and i'm glad that it still fits! (Just in-case i want to wear it for Candise's wedding dinner tomorrow)
And with that, I'll end today's post with:
I did a very bad decision today. And the consequence, a loss of $42!
I was surfing facebook today when i saw one of the facebook advertisement from the corner. It was a fan page for a group. It have a online business website and it seems to me that the website is created by a Singaporean since the transaction currency is in SGD.
Anyway, the company is call WinMeAuction. As the name suggest, it is a Auctioning website. Something special about this website is that it advertised that their Iphone 3GS are selling at the price of $14.50!
That immediately caught my eye. The company even emphasize about how everyone of their item are selling at a saving rate of 90% and above!
I was curios and went in to have a look. The company was fair in the sense that it have explained on how they their business model. That the made money through the sales of "bids".
Bids are required in auctions and the company's profits are all coming from the sales of "Bids"! Furthermore, The Auctions rules are a little different, Every bid increases the Total price of 1 cent! YES IT"S 1 CENT!
Plus, a further time slot of 10 seconds. Initially, I didn't really know the importance about the added time till i purchased the bids.
I can tell you, the bids are the ones that is racking in all the money! 1 bid cost like SGD$1.00!
Regardless, I bought the cheapest package at $42 with a total of 38 bids.
Before this, I haven't really participate in any auction activity. They have this Countdown timer for example, A Iphone 3GS. At the Auction was counting down for the last 10 seconds, I suddenly saw someone bids in. And that "extends" the auction time. And this situation continues for as long as 5 hours! Until everybody used up all the bids they had purchased, AND, if they still do not give up, some will continue to buy "bids" and carry on bidding!
I know it sounds confusing here but what i'm trying to say is that this business model is BRILLIANT! lol!
Brilliant in the case of the business owner but not the bidders. I have to relate this business as one of the Casino operators!
Taking the Iphone which was sold at $14.50 for example, we will see that the company have earned $1450 given an estimated price per bid was $1.
That itself, have already covered the cost of the Iphone. Although it could turn out a Win-Win situation for the eventual buyer ( because the eventual winner could be someone who may win using as low as 1 bid and pay $14.50), The bidding involves alot of people pushing the price up.
And i happen to be one of the unlucky guys to do that. =(
Lesson learn today is not to act emotionally! Unless you have the experience of bidding in an Auction, Never be stuck into this vicious cycle.
Had i purchases a even bigger "starting package" and my bidding strategy isn't right, then i could still lose all my money and win nothing!
Afterall, Auction is something which the last bidder-win-all! And in this case, the final price is something which everybody is willing to pay, Can you imagine paying $15 for a Iphone?!
So, that's something which i wanted to share today. I'm not saying that Auction is not good because auction winners do really win a big gain! But, I would like to say that in order to win, EVERYBODY HAVE TO LOSE!
And here are my 5 success for today:
1 I deposited $1.80 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I learn a very valuable lesson of Auctioning at a price of $42 (something i think is reasonable)
3. I counted my savings over the past 30 days!
4. I did my Wealth Declaration today!
5. I pull out my blazer and try and i'm glad that it still fits! (Just in-case i want to wear it for Candise's wedding dinner tomorrow)
And with that, I'll end today's post with:
Friday, January 22, 2010
I got to admit that i was late for class today!
It was raining heavily in the morning and the traffic turned slow. Nonetheless, It shouldn't be an excuse. I shall make sure that i am not late for morning class again. =(
Anyway, After class, I happen to see keng Cheng, a course-mate from NYP! Ironically, I was heading to Ngee Ann Poly which we met each other!
LOL! 2 NYP graduates meeting at NP! Initially, we couldn't really recognize each other and that we exchange SMS asking whether "was it you at NP?" Haha.
Anyway, Friday marks the last of the trading day for the week! Concluding a very volatile market influenced heavily by Last week's China's Monetary Contraction, This week's JAL's file for bankruptcy and the latest event was the statement issued from Mr. Obama last night, A policy which directly affects the US market and in turn, causing Equity market all over the world to fall!
Singapore Market wasn't spared as almost EVERY SINGLE stock was dipping. =(
Genting Singapore PLC wasn't spared too. I got to say that the price was hovering at my resistance price for the past 2 days and finally, It broke the resistance (also termed as Trough) price.
The next thing on my mind was, Time to EXIT!
And that concludes my first riding of an up-trending stock, earning a decent profit of $300+. I got to say that i should consider myself lucky that i only CUT Profit instead of having to CUT LOSS!
At the very least, I was able to protect my principle Capital. So, Not that bad i guess. Immeidately, I was home screening for the next stock to purchase. And I already have some in my mind. Waiting for "buy" signal.
Anyway, I was on the forum of T3B and here's something which i want to share.

Accumulation of Volume
It was raining heavily in the morning and the traffic turned slow. Nonetheless, It shouldn't be an excuse. I shall make sure that i am not late for morning class again. =(
Anyway, After class, I happen to see keng Cheng, a course-mate from NYP! Ironically, I was heading to Ngee Ann Poly which we met each other!
LOL! 2 NYP graduates meeting at NP! Initially, we couldn't really recognize each other and that we exchange SMS asking whether "was it you at NP?" Haha.
Anyway, Friday marks the last of the trading day for the week! Concluding a very volatile market influenced heavily by Last week's China's Monetary Contraction, This week's JAL's file for bankruptcy and the latest event was the statement issued from Mr. Obama last night, A policy which directly affects the US market and in turn, causing Equity market all over the world to fall!
Singapore Market wasn't spared as almost EVERY SINGLE stock was dipping. =(
Genting Singapore PLC wasn't spared too. I got to say that the price was hovering at my resistance price for the past 2 days and finally, It broke the resistance (also termed as Trough) price.
The next thing on my mind was, Time to EXIT!
And that concludes my first riding of an up-trending stock, earning a decent profit of $300+. I got to say that i should consider myself lucky that i only CUT Profit instead of having to CUT LOSS!
At the very least, I was able to protect my principle Capital. So, Not that bad i guess. Immeidately, I was home screening for the next stock to purchase. And I already have some in my mind. Waiting for "buy" signal.
Anyway, I was on the forum of T3B and here's something which i want to share.

Accumulation of Volume
This was a very neat homework that was uploaded by one of the students. And I have to stress that this is all for EDUCATION PURPOSES!
Basically, They are the Stock Charts for 2 company. Picture 2 shows the Accumulation of volume in relevance of the rising/ falling of stock price.
In short, What it is showing is the Market Psychology as written on the picture itself. When Volume died down as the stock price hover sideways, Chances are, It will shoot up after the last person is done selling their stock at the stipulated price.
Which was what the case, (Refer to the up-trend after the pink horizontal arrow).
I shall stop here and should you have any questions, Feel free to ask and we can share out points of view.
P.s. I may not be always right!
Last but not least, I would have to Emphasize the Importance of "FOLLOW THE RULES"!
One of the rules of trading is NEVER to look at stock price during trading hours! Something which i had breached.
But It was done out of goodwill since i got to know of the price breaking my resistance, thus activating my Sell decision.
However, It was tough making the sell decision, especially 1 part of my mind was telling me to HOLD onto it since i haven't really dropped into the CUT LOSS price. Like what i had post previously, My mind was telling me to HOLD on and see if the market will rebound! The consequences, OF Course, was gray since he could still go up or further down!
Fortunately, Thanks to what i had learnt from T. Harv, I told myself "Thank you for sharing" and also chanting "Follow the rules" deep in my mind as I sms-ed Terence to help me sell my Shares.
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I saw Keng Cheng, My poly course-mate!
2. I took control over my own MIND when i make the decision to SELL my shares.
3. I Was able to SELL my stock at my Trough Price when the market rebound a litle!
4. I shared something i just learn from the forum here!
4. I deposited $2.00 into my Financial Freedom Account!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Basically, They are the Stock Charts for 2 company. Picture 2 shows the Accumulation of volume in relevance of the rising/ falling of stock price.
In short, What it is showing is the Market Psychology as written on the picture itself. When Volume died down as the stock price hover sideways, Chances are, It will shoot up after the last person is done selling their stock at the stipulated price.
Which was what the case, (Refer to the up-trend after the pink horizontal arrow).
I shall stop here and should you have any questions, Feel free to ask and we can share out points of view.
P.s. I may not be always right!
Last but not least, I would have to Emphasize the Importance of "FOLLOW THE RULES"!
One of the rules of trading is NEVER to look at stock price during trading hours! Something which i had breached.
But It was done out of goodwill since i got to know of the price breaking my resistance, thus activating my Sell decision.
However, It was tough making the sell decision, especially 1 part of my mind was telling me to HOLD onto it since i haven't really dropped into the CUT LOSS price. Like what i had post previously, My mind was telling me to HOLD on and see if the market will rebound! The consequences, OF Course, was gray since he could still go up or further down!
Fortunately, Thanks to what i had learnt from T. Harv, I told myself "Thank you for sharing" and also chanting "Follow the rules" deep in my mind as I sms-ed Terence to help me sell my Shares.
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I saw Keng Cheng, My poly course-mate!
2. I took control over my own MIND when i make the decision to SELL my shares.
3. I Was able to SELL my stock at my Trough Price when the market rebound a litle!
4. I shared something i just learn from the forum here!
4. I deposited $2.00 into my Financial Freedom Account!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
D+63, D+64
I guess it's been slowly a trend that i do not have the luxury to blog everyday.
Wednesday, I got called up to work and it was a stress test for the soft opening of the IR.
All internal guest are allowed to purchase the merchandise. Of course, that includes me too!
I bought 4 trading pins with 1 of them being LIMITED EDITION! I wanted to get the lanyard too but the stocks will only arrive in February i heard. Although it was a little Impulse buying, I surely think it's something good to own!
Since i am a Universal Studios staff, I should own at least 1 item from USS! =)
Anyway, Buying 4 trading pins and i gave 1 to Chereen and 1 more to my cousin when i saw her at the void-deck near my house. So i thought she might like it.
I went to bed early. And waking up again at 4AM to watch the Liverpool game against Tottenham. It was a crucial match for LFC and i'm glad i was able to witness a 2-0 win!
I am also happy at the way the team was playing. With so many key players out injured, the other players were able to step up their standards to fill up the lack of quality. Eventually, It was a trilling win which LFC fully deserved to have.
Anyway, Today is a Off day for me which i spent it sorting out my notes in preparation for my revising of my exams. And I did some reading on the Sociology lecture which i had missed.
In the evening, my army buddy, philip, called me! It came as a surprise as he was asking whether i have received any letter to go for MOB briefing. Something which i haven't received at all. So after the initial question, we went on chatting how was life after NS. Catch up a little here and there.
I felt happy after the phone call. You can say that it was the first phone call which i had received from my Army friend after i ORD and having exchanging how was life after army was something interesting.
I know i may sound like a old man but we got to agree that chatting over events in the past is something interesting, especially having spent 1 year plus together in camp!
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I woke up and supported LFC at 4am in the morning!
2. I sort out my Marco economics and Managerial Economics notes.
3. I did a little revising and reading for the sociology lecture that i missed
4. I deposited $1.50 into my Financial Freedom Account!
5. I am glad that my mum was able to sell off her Comfort share on monday! (when SGX was bullish because the market have been bearish after that!)
6. I got a confirmation from MFGlobal, a brokering firm, that my account is ready to funding, and my platform training schedule was confirmed!
And I'll end my post today with:
Wednesday, I got called up to work and it was a stress test for the soft opening of the IR.
All internal guest are allowed to purchase the merchandise. Of course, that includes me too!
I bought 4 trading pins with 1 of them being LIMITED EDITION! I wanted to get the lanyard too but the stocks will only arrive in February i heard. Although it was a little Impulse buying, I surely think it's something good to own!
Since i am a Universal Studios staff, I should own at least 1 item from USS! =)
Anyway, Buying 4 trading pins and i gave 1 to Chereen and 1 more to my cousin when i saw her at the void-deck near my house. So i thought she might like it.
I went to bed early. And waking up again at 4AM to watch the Liverpool game against Tottenham. It was a crucial match for LFC and i'm glad i was able to witness a 2-0 win!
I am also happy at the way the team was playing. With so many key players out injured, the other players were able to step up their standards to fill up the lack of quality. Eventually, It was a trilling win which LFC fully deserved to have.
Anyway, Today is a Off day for me which i spent it sorting out my notes in preparation for my revising of my exams. And I did some reading on the Sociology lecture which i had missed.
In the evening, my army buddy, philip, called me! It came as a surprise as he was asking whether i have received any letter to go for MOB briefing. Something which i haven't received at all. So after the initial question, we went on chatting how was life after NS. Catch up a little here and there.
I felt happy after the phone call. You can say that it was the first phone call which i had received from my Army friend after i ORD and having exchanging how was life after army was something interesting.
I know i may sound like a old man but we got to agree that chatting over events in the past is something interesting, especially having spent 1 year plus together in camp!
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I woke up and supported LFC at 4am in the morning!
2. I sort out my Marco economics and Managerial Economics notes.
3. I did a little revising and reading for the sociology lecture that i missed
4. I deposited $1.50 into my Financial Freedom Account!
5. I am glad that my mum was able to sell off her Comfort share on monday! (when SGX was bullish because the market have been bearish after that!)
6. I got a confirmation from MFGlobal, a brokering firm, that my account is ready to funding, and my platform training schedule was confirmed!
And I'll end my post today with:
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
D+60, D+61, D+62
Its been a Fruitful weekend for me!
So much so that i didn't have the time to Blog what i want to share here!
As stated in my previous post, I signed up for a course called the T3B trader course.
That was in Nov 2009! Come 2010, I attended the course and i learn a lot. That explains why i called it a Fruitful weekend! Duh >.<
Remember T Harv Eker's wealth principle?
One of them says that:
I knew what i had to do. I have to put my money somewhere, be it in business, or my interest, Stocks!
For the statement to be a Wealth Principle, It must be of significance isn't it?
You might be asking, So how does money work hard for you? WHAT does that sentence mean??
I'll try to explain according to what I've learnt from T. Harv. So here goes, the sentence generally means that we must make our money grow!
There are numerous ways to grow your money, Saving it in the bank is one. But ask yourself:
"Does putting $3000 in the bank really earns or GROW your money?"
I figured out that Putting any available funds at bank is only WORKING HARD for OTHER PEOPLE! True or true? TRUE!
The principle generally looks at how well YOU can manage your own money! If you're the type who will put money in a bank, I seriously advise you to reconsider.
Even buying a fixed deposit is not good enough for me! I know everybody's money management differs but what i want to say here is that it all boils down to one's risk appetite.
I am a stock trader and i do not hide. I've placed money into stocks and hear many advices about stocks.
Before i started trading, everybody is warning about how stock is volatile, How you can lose your whole savings in it!
That I have to agree! But at the same time, I have only one sentence for those who had lost money and turned skeptical of stocks.
"Why didn't you cut loss when you know that you're losing money?"
Unfortunately, these people makes up 90% of the traders we see in the market!
That being said, We got to agree that if you want to learn how to do something, The fastest way is to learn it from someone who already knows it isn't it?
Some of these traders or INVESTORS either buy stocks without a guideline. Or worst still, They buy upon listening to other people's tip on a particular stock. True or true? True!
If you think that's the worst, You're wrong!
Getting in a stock isn't the worst! What's even worst that that is NOT KNOWING WHEN TO GET OUT!
Here's an example, I can be a good friend and tell you to buy Genting stocks and you bought them, having fully trusted my words.
And true enough, Genting stocks went up, And you're happy counting your Unrealized profits! So, after making some Paper Profits, You're so confident that the stock will go up more that you carry on holding it.
Suppose 2 weeks gone, and the stock price starts to go down, I could have sold at the first sign of downfall while you could still be telling yourself that this fall hasn't really eaten up all your Unrealized profits! And so what you do? You HOLD!
Then, another 2 weeks pass, and this time, stock price falls back to the price you bought! So what do you do? You would have decide to hang onto it further, hoping that the stock will bounce back. And the story goes on and on. (P.S. You've become what we call a LONG TERM INVESTOR!)
But what i want to say here is that it is dangerous if a person is trading without the RIGHT mindset and Without a Definite SETS OF RULES, He/SHE will not know when to sell a stock! Yes or yes? YES!
There's a saying among our T3B traders:
"We are not scare about not being able to enter a Bullish stock, cause we're not even IN! But what we are afraid of is that when we are in, WE DON"T KNOW WHEN TO EXIT!"
I have written quite a little of Money Management and Stock trading. So Here's the summary, If you ever wants to grow your money that is to make your MONEY WORK hard for you. And you want to try trading in stock market, Please Learn the rules of the game before you get yourself into trouble!
After-all, You got to ask yourself, What is Education to you and how much are you willing to pay for this education?
I'll end today's motivational Post with a quote by Benjamine Franklin:
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!"
And here are my 5 Success for today:
1. I deposited $2.00 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I helped my mum sold her ComfortDelgro stocks!
3. I have completed my T3B trader course!
4. I had Fine Dining at Festive Hotel, RWS, at a discounted price of $23.00!
5. I met up with my Poly Friends and shared our SUCCESS stories!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
So much so that i didn't have the time to Blog what i want to share here!
As stated in my previous post, I signed up for a course called the T3B trader course.
That was in Nov 2009! Come 2010, I attended the course and i learn a lot. That explains why i called it a Fruitful weekend! Duh >.<
Remember T Harv Eker's wealth principle?
One of them says that:
I knew what i had to do. I have to put my money somewhere, be it in business, or my interest, Stocks!
For the statement to be a Wealth Principle, It must be of significance isn't it?
You might be asking, So how does money work hard for you? WHAT does that sentence mean??
I'll try to explain according to what I've learnt from T. Harv. So here goes, the sentence generally means that we must make our money grow!
There are numerous ways to grow your money, Saving it in the bank is one. But ask yourself:
"Does putting $3000 in the bank really earns or GROW your money?"
I figured out that Putting any available funds at bank is only WORKING HARD for OTHER PEOPLE! True or true? TRUE!
The principle generally looks at how well YOU can manage your own money! If you're the type who will put money in a bank, I seriously advise you to reconsider.
Even buying a fixed deposit is not good enough for me! I know everybody's money management differs but what i want to say here is that it all boils down to one's risk appetite.
I am a stock trader and i do not hide. I've placed money into stocks and hear many advices about stocks.
Before i started trading, everybody is warning about how stock is volatile, How you can lose your whole savings in it!
That I have to agree! But at the same time, I have only one sentence for those who had lost money and turned skeptical of stocks.
"Why didn't you cut loss when you know that you're losing money?"
Unfortunately, these people makes up 90% of the traders we see in the market!
That being said, We got to agree that if you want to learn how to do something, The fastest way is to learn it from someone who already knows it isn't it?
Some of these traders or INVESTORS either buy stocks without a guideline. Or worst still, They buy upon listening to other people's tip on a particular stock. True or true? True!
If you think that's the worst, You're wrong!
Getting in a stock isn't the worst! What's even worst that that is NOT KNOWING WHEN TO GET OUT!
Here's an example, I can be a good friend and tell you to buy Genting stocks and you bought them, having fully trusted my words.
And true enough, Genting stocks went up, And you're happy counting your Unrealized profits! So, after making some Paper Profits, You're so confident that the stock will go up more that you carry on holding it.
Suppose 2 weeks gone, and the stock price starts to go down, I could have sold at the first sign of downfall while you could still be telling yourself that this fall hasn't really eaten up all your Unrealized profits! And so what you do? You HOLD!
Then, another 2 weeks pass, and this time, stock price falls back to the price you bought! So what do you do? You would have decide to hang onto it further, hoping that the stock will bounce back. And the story goes on and on. (P.S. You've become what we call a LONG TERM INVESTOR!)
But what i want to say here is that it is dangerous if a person is trading without the RIGHT mindset and Without a Definite SETS OF RULES, He/SHE will not know when to sell a stock! Yes or yes? YES!
There's a saying among our T3B traders:
"We are not scare about not being able to enter a Bullish stock, cause we're not even IN! But what we are afraid of is that when we are in, WE DON"T KNOW WHEN TO EXIT!"
I have written quite a little of Money Management and Stock trading. So Here's the summary, If you ever wants to grow your money that is to make your MONEY WORK hard for you. And you want to try trading in stock market, Please Learn the rules of the game before you get yourself into trouble!
After-all, You got to ask yourself, What is Education to you and how much are you willing to pay for this education?
I'll end today's motivational Post with a quote by Benjamine Franklin:
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!"
And here are my 5 Success for today:
1. I deposited $2.00 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I helped my mum sold her ComfortDelgro stocks!
3. I have completed my T3B trader course!
4. I had Fine Dining at Festive Hotel, RWS, at a discounted price of $23.00!
5. I met up with my Poly Friends and shared our SUCCESS stories!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Saturday, January 16, 2010
D+57, D+58, D+59
As stated on the title, I haven't been blogging for 2 straight days. =(
Like i've mentioned in my last post, I had started work from 8.30am and ending my work at 8pm!
Clocked a full shift of 11.5 hours!
But During this long hours of work, I was involved with the welcoming of our MM Lee. And It was all over the papers yesterday and today!
Our dear Mr Lee had came as a SUPER DUPER V.I.P and everybody was excited.
I for once, saw him in person at least 3 times within the short 15 mins visit!Good or good? GREAT!
It was a once in a lifetime chance of seeing a person of such importance to Singapore!
So much for the excitement.
Anyway, I've sort of started my part-time job as the Opening of the theme park is nearing.
I will most probably cut my facebook gaming time, and if necessary, NOT BLOG everyday as I have to divide my timing to revising my homework as well.
The new year have started and i realized that I have been neglecting my studies ever since my job training started last december accompanied with the festive holidays and celebration!
Now, It's time to get back on track and get myself prepared as my lesson schedule is entering the final stages. It will come to a stop after the Chinese New Year, End February!
Till then, I work hard, Study harder and Play the Hardest!
True or true? TRUE!
And here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited 1.60 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I saw our MM Mr. Lee KY!
3. I got a gift from Cheryl, a couple shirt meant to be wear for CNY!
4. I also got a treat for dinner at JustAcia!
5. I played Basketball today and catch up with my secondary school friends!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Like i've mentioned in my last post, I had started work from 8.30am and ending my work at 8pm!
Clocked a full shift of 11.5 hours!
But During this long hours of work, I was involved with the welcoming of our MM Lee. And It was all over the papers yesterday and today!
Our dear Mr Lee had came as a SUPER DUPER V.I.P and everybody was excited.
I for once, saw him in person at least 3 times within the short 15 mins visit!Good or good? GREAT!
It was a once in a lifetime chance of seeing a person of such importance to Singapore!
So much for the excitement.
Anyway, I've sort of started my part-time job as the Opening of the theme park is nearing.
I will most probably cut my facebook gaming time, and if necessary, NOT BLOG everyday as I have to divide my timing to revising my homework as well.
The new year have started and i realized that I have been neglecting my studies ever since my job training started last december accompanied with the festive holidays and celebration!
Now, It's time to get back on track and get myself prepared as my lesson schedule is entering the final stages. It will come to a stop after the Chinese New Year, End February!
Till then, I work hard, Study harder and Play the Hardest!
True or true? TRUE!
And here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited 1.60 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I saw our MM Mr. Lee KY!
3. I got a gift from Cheryl, a couple shirt meant to be wear for CNY!
4. I also got a treat for dinner at JustAcia!
5. I played Basketball today and catch up with my secondary school friends!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I couldn't really write much for today since most of the things that happen in work is classified as Confidential or HIGHER!
Anyway, I toured the Theme park again, without all the heavy machinery from last week.
Since last Thursday, They have been having a "Open house" for all the internal staffs to try out the rides and be guinea pig!
What if something goes wrong during the ride? Haha, But then again, if something really DID goes wrong, We must be thankful that It happens on 1 of the internal Staff! True or true?
(Ermmmmm) TRUE!
I can write alot to debate about that but we shall leave it as it is for now!
What i want to comment today was the train towards Outram in the morning.
I do not know whether the train service screwed up or what but when i arrived Jurong East Mrt station at 8.15am to transit on the East-West line, There was like 3 trains worth of passengers standing THERE! waiting to board the next EW line train!
I told myself, OMG! But it didn't take long to see how that situation developed. The passengers are just trying too hard to get onto every train that docks in.
Thus, Causing the train to be delayed at the station for more than 3 mins!
What's better? Quality or Quantity? In this case, I say Quality! Why squeeze when the next train is ALREADY queuing behind the current 1 waiting to dock into the station? Yes or yes? YES!
And when i finally got my chance to step on the MRT, I've heard this announcement from the Train 'captain' (I presume that's their title) saying on the radio to tell passengers to wait for the next train!
He spoke for like at least 3 times before the train leaves Jurong East for good!
Now, Fortunately, I do not need to squeeze on the peak hour train tomorrow when i report for work. BUT! I'll need to wake up early since my reporting time have been changed to 0830hrs on Sentosa island itself!
I'll need to be at Harbourfront at 0800hrs. And planning backwards, I'll leave home at 7am!
So, Wake up call at 6.15am!
DUH! >.<
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I was on time for work today!
2. I GIVE some of my time, allowing some MRT passengers to go ahead of me while waiting for my turn!
3. I Got a FREE lunch COUPON which eventually i enjoyed a FREE meal!
4. I sat down with people from other stores and get to know more NEW FRIENDS!
5. I get to see my Store Manager and Submit to her my work schedule!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Anyway, I toured the Theme park again, without all the heavy machinery from last week.
Since last Thursday, They have been having a "Open house" for all the internal staffs to try out the rides and be guinea pig!
What if something goes wrong during the ride? Haha, But then again, if something really DID goes wrong, We must be thankful that It happens on 1 of the internal Staff! True or true?
(Ermmmmm) TRUE!
I can write alot to debate about that but we shall leave it as it is for now!
What i want to comment today was the train towards Outram in the morning.
I do not know whether the train service screwed up or what but when i arrived Jurong East Mrt station at 8.15am to transit on the East-West line, There was like 3 trains worth of passengers standing THERE! waiting to board the next EW line train!
I told myself, OMG! But it didn't take long to see how that situation developed. The passengers are just trying too hard to get onto every train that docks in.
Thus, Causing the train to be delayed at the station for more than 3 mins!
What's better? Quality or Quantity? In this case, I say Quality! Why squeeze when the next train is ALREADY queuing behind the current 1 waiting to dock into the station? Yes or yes? YES!
And when i finally got my chance to step on the MRT, I've heard this announcement from the Train 'captain' (I presume that's their title) saying on the radio to tell passengers to wait for the next train!
He spoke for like at least 3 times before the train leaves Jurong East for good!
Now, Fortunately, I do not need to squeeze on the peak hour train tomorrow when i report for work. BUT! I'll need to wake up early since my reporting time have been changed to 0830hrs on Sentosa island itself!
I'll need to be at Harbourfront at 0800hrs. And planning backwards, I'll leave home at 7am!
So, Wake up call at 6.15am!
DUH! >.<
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I was on time for work today!
2. I GIVE some of my time, allowing some MRT passengers to go ahead of me while waiting for my turn!
3. I Got a FREE lunch COUPON which eventually i enjoyed a FREE meal!
4. I sat down with people from other stores and get to know more NEW FRIENDS!
5. I get to see my Store Manager and Submit to her my work schedule!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited $1.50 into my financial Freedom Account!
2. I was On time for my lesson today!
3. I did a RSVP for Kang An's birthday celebration!
4. Some of my Poly Friends is able to attend it!
5. Chris is able to get us staff rate for RWS hotel buffet dinner!
Due to a problematic internet connection, I'll keep my post short today.
1. I deposited $1.50 into my financial Freedom Account!
2. I was On time for my lesson today!
3. I did a RSVP for Kang An's birthday celebration!
4. Some of my Poly Friends is able to attend it!
5. Chris is able to get us staff rate for RWS hotel buffet dinner!
Due to a problematic internet connection, I'll keep my post short today.
I was woken up at 11am, given the time to meet for basketball @ Yew Tee CC!
And i went back to bed!
Waking up at 1pm again, wash up and head for the court!
Playing basketball at 1pm is something crazy given the HOT sun in the afternoon! This is something that i used to do often for the love of the basketball game but these days, It's just to set a time where all could agree on.
Afterall, what's the fun if only 4 person could come and play? True or true? TRUE!
Eventually, today's Basketball game is quite a success! We have 8 people reporting in total!
That allows us to play a comfortable 4 v.s. 4 competition!
With the numbers gathered, we had fun and played competitively!
Coming to evening time, More people arrived to play basketball as other groups came.
My friend decides to challenge 1 of the group before we leave and this group consists of 2 old man that we used to play with.
Although they're old, they super agile! And the level of that game was something that I have not been playing for a very long while. My fitness wasn't able to do so competitively.
In short, I had DE-proved! OMG!
BUT! not to worry, if i can meet up my secondary school friends and play ball like this every week, I'm sure i can get back to the same level as before!
Afterall, there is nothing you cannot achieve if you set your heart out to do so! True or true? TRUE!
After basketball, I went home to bath and in the evening, I meet up with Chris and Kang An for dinner.
Chris wanted to buy us dinner on the reason of his "First pay" and i find it acceptable.
We chat a little on the current situation of RWS and Universal Studios. Then We did some planning for Kang an's upcoming birthday celebration!
After this weekend, Candise's BIG Wedding is next weekend! OMG!
So, once we were done with dinner, Kang An drove us to West Mall and we watched The Vampire Assistant.
It's quite a nice show i must say. =) Very interesting.
And now I'm home!
So here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited $1.30 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I played Competitive Basketball today!
3. I got a treat from Chris!
4. Met up with Chris and Kang An for a late night movie!
I'll end today's post with:
And i went back to bed!
Waking up at 1pm again, wash up and head for the court!
Playing basketball at 1pm is something crazy given the HOT sun in the afternoon! This is something that i used to do often for the love of the basketball game but these days, It's just to set a time where all could agree on.
Afterall, what's the fun if only 4 person could come and play? True or true? TRUE!
Eventually, today's Basketball game is quite a success! We have 8 people reporting in total!
That allows us to play a comfortable 4 v.s. 4 competition!
With the numbers gathered, we had fun and played competitively!
Coming to evening time, More people arrived to play basketball as other groups came.
My friend decides to challenge 1 of the group before we leave and this group consists of 2 old man that we used to play with.
Although they're old, they super agile! And the level of that game was something that I have not been playing for a very long while. My fitness wasn't able to do so competitively.
In short, I had DE-proved! OMG!
BUT! not to worry, if i can meet up my secondary school friends and play ball like this every week, I'm sure i can get back to the same level as before!
Afterall, there is nothing you cannot achieve if you set your heart out to do so! True or true? TRUE!
After basketball, I went home to bath and in the evening, I meet up with Chris and Kang An for dinner.
Chris wanted to buy us dinner on the reason of his "First pay" and i find it acceptable.
We chat a little on the current situation of RWS and Universal Studios. Then We did some planning for Kang an's upcoming birthday celebration!
After this weekend, Candise's BIG Wedding is next weekend! OMG!
So, once we were done with dinner, Kang An drove us to West Mall and we watched The Vampire Assistant.
It's quite a nice show i must say. =) Very interesting.
And now I'm home!
So here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited $1.30 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I played Competitive Basketball today!
3. I got a treat from Chris!
4. Met up with Chris and Kang An for a late night movie!
I'll end today's post with:
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It's been a tiring day today.
But nonetheless, i had quite a little food for thoughts.
Firstly, it's been awhile since the whole poly gang meet up.
I still see QQ, Terence, Meng Siang and sometimes, Chang Da in school. Outside classes, I meet up Chris, QQ while working and that's all!
I met up with QQ today for our shopping of shoes. He too has to invest in his working shoe and we hung out for awhile after shopping.
We shopped at Vivocity and we talk about what our gang is doing recently.
Then, we head to the Outdoor sea-view balcony on the 3rd floor to look at our future workplace, Sentosa!
I become EMO-tional for that moment. LOL.
It seems that coming out on a weekend wasn't a group effort anymore. We used to be activity partners that will catch the latest movie within our gang.
It's understandable how somethings could fall in priority in life. And we just have to live with it.
After some soul-searching, I guess it's really something that requires both parties to agree.
Just like a relationship, it takes two hands to clap.
I can easily list out what everybody is busy with BUT at the end of the day, We have to put in MORE effort if we were to keep our current gang.
No doubt we are still friends but degrading the position from being a activity partner to only a mutual friend wasn't what i want.
We need a leader, somebody who will hold and lead the whole gang in activities. And If we truely concern about the well being of the whole friendship and activity partners, I will gladly step up for the task.
Having said that, I have to say thanks to Kang An and Min Zhen for being in that leader/organizer position for the past 3 to 4 years. Like it or not, They have been vital in holding down our group!
Without you 2, There will not be the gang today where occasionally, we still have a group outing of close to 10 person!
I understand Kang An is busy with his studies and Min Zhen busy with her work. Like i mentioned above, We just have to live with all this changes.
Having said that, When was the last time you received an SMS with a mass movie invitation?
I really couldn't recall, But things could start again somewhere. I should do that.
And At the end of day, It all boils down to how one cherish the friendship we've had. We are done with our Poly days where we always hang out because our timetable are the same.
Today and in the unforeseeable future, We WILL DEFINITELY not have the same time schedule as each other. So, Like how Chris had posted How much are you willing to give to be successful, I'll post:
"How much are you WILLING to do to retain a friendship?!"
Having said all this, I too have a girlfriend relationship to maintain.
Up-coming will be my exams/ studies as well as the start of my Part-time job. But like I had always manage my time, I believed that i had managed my handling of relationship well.
Lets keep our gang activities coming again and again okay?
Regardless of who can turn up eventually, We will and should give in our fullest efforts!
That, I can Promise you!
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I bought my working shoe today!
2. I meet and catch up with QQ!
3. My mind was very "negative" today but i told myself "Thank you for your advice" and ignored what my head tells me.
4. I deposited $1.00 into my Financial Freedom Account!
5. I sort out my thinking for my friend issue which have been a concern for me!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
But nonetheless, i had quite a little food for thoughts.
Firstly, it's been awhile since the whole poly gang meet up.
I still see QQ, Terence, Meng Siang and sometimes, Chang Da in school. Outside classes, I meet up Chris, QQ while working and that's all!
I met up with QQ today for our shopping of shoes. He too has to invest in his working shoe and we hung out for awhile after shopping.
We shopped at Vivocity and we talk about what our gang is doing recently.
Then, we head to the Outdoor sea-view balcony on the 3rd floor to look at our future workplace, Sentosa!
I become EMO-tional for that moment. LOL.
It seems that coming out on a weekend wasn't a group effort anymore. We used to be activity partners that will catch the latest movie within our gang.
It's understandable how somethings could fall in priority in life. And we just have to live with it.
After some soul-searching, I guess it's really something that requires both parties to agree.
Just like a relationship, it takes two hands to clap.
I can easily list out what everybody is busy with BUT at the end of the day, We have to put in MORE effort if we were to keep our current gang.
No doubt we are still friends but degrading the position from being a activity partner to only a mutual friend wasn't what i want.
We need a leader, somebody who will hold and lead the whole gang in activities. And If we truely concern about the well being of the whole friendship and activity partners, I will gladly step up for the task.
Having said that, I have to say thanks to Kang An and Min Zhen for being in that leader/organizer position for the past 3 to 4 years. Like it or not, They have been vital in holding down our group!
Without you 2, There will not be the gang today where occasionally, we still have a group outing of close to 10 person!
I understand Kang An is busy with his studies and Min Zhen busy with her work. Like i mentioned above, We just have to live with all this changes.
Having said that, When was the last time you received an SMS with a mass movie invitation?
I really couldn't recall, But things could start again somewhere. I should do that.
And At the end of day, It all boils down to how one cherish the friendship we've had. We are done with our Poly days where we always hang out because our timetable are the same.
Today and in the unforeseeable future, We WILL DEFINITELY not have the same time schedule as each other. So, Like how Chris had posted How much are you willing to give to be successful, I'll post:
"How much are you WILLING to do to retain a friendship?!"
Having said all this, I too have a girlfriend relationship to maintain.
Up-coming will be my exams/ studies as well as the start of my Part-time job. But like I had always manage my time, I believed that i had managed my handling of relationship well.
Lets keep our gang activities coming again and again okay?
Regardless of who can turn up eventually, We will and should give in our fullest efforts!
That, I can Promise you!
So, here are my 5 success for today:
1. I bought my working shoe today!
2. I meet and catch up with QQ!
3. My mind was very "negative" today but i told myself "Thank you for your advice" and ignored what my head tells me.
4. I deposited $1.00 into my Financial Freedom Account!
5. I sort out my thinking for my friend issue which have been a concern for me!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Friday, January 8, 2010
I was suppose to get a white shoe for my work and prior to buying my shoe tomorrow, My supervisor called and tell me to get another model! Good or good?
Somehow i just felt that the other shoe model will look great! And I'm super excited to go shopping tomorrow with QQ!
Okay, It's been awhile since i last wrote something about motivation and here's something that I would like to share:
"The key to personal SUCCESS is to be able to AFFECT as MANY PEOPLE as you can!"
This phase isn't taught in textbooks or even the classrooms but this word itself have the power to change a mindset!
It changed mine and I believe It will change yours too!
So what does that sentence actually means?
That is to say that if you're doing a business, your business is one that could get IN TOUCH with as many people as you can! Affecting their daily needs with your product or service you offered!
Don't get me wrong but what I'm trying to say here is to let you see the difference in having a business and working for somebody.
Here's a very simple example that T. Harv Eker mentioned before, If you're, for example, a beautician, how many people can you "affect" in a day? (Take it that you're the business owner, and you're out to maximize Profits!)
10 maybe? or at most 20!
So here's an scenario, what if 1 day, your reputation gotten very good and out of a sudden, you have 100 person lining outside your store looking for your service, Are you going to tell the last person that
"OH, You'll have to make an appointment and I'll probably be free 3 months from now?!"
Just imagine how would that guest react? WALK AWAY!
Now, here's another scenario whereby You're owning a business, Maybe a stationary Shop.
Same situation, if your reputation gotten great and suddenly, everybody is coming to your store to get your high-Quality Pencils and Pens! The demand for this particular product sores by 10000!
What you'll do is just to place an bigger order on the supplies and there you go, AFFECTING all 10000 guest who come to buy your product!
As we all know, Time is Precious! Would you choose to affect 20 people a day or affect 10000 people a day? Your Choice!
I am not saying that the service industry will definitely lose out to the distributors or wholesalers.
But in a Business Prospective, With the same scenario, That was a case of a LOSS Customer!
I am ALSO, not saying that "If i am working for somebody, I will never be rich!"
I'll leaving explaining the Above sentence as another post. =)
I started practicing this theory on the Airline Manager game which i had blogged in my previous post.
I set myself out to affect As MANY PEOPLE as possible! Going for shorter flight routes and accommodating as many passengers as possible rather than getting plane to fly a Long Distance, Earn a lump sum but only affects a small portion of your "unlimited supply" (since it's a game) of guest!
Then, since it's a shorter route, my repeatability is higher than those of the Long Distance routes. True or true? TRUE!
So, next time you play a game or open a business, do take into consideration what I had mentioned!
Here are my 5 success for today:
1. I was ON TIME for this morning's lesson!
2. I meet up with Chang Da in school and had lunch with him today!
3. I got a call from my supervisor that the shoe i was suppose to get changed!
4. I deposited $1.20 into my Financial Freedom Account!
5. I have gotten back my motivation for success recently!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Somehow i just felt that the other shoe model will look great! And I'm super excited to go shopping tomorrow with QQ!
Okay, It's been awhile since i last wrote something about motivation and here's something that I would like to share:
"The key to personal SUCCESS is to be able to AFFECT as MANY PEOPLE as you can!"
This phase isn't taught in textbooks or even the classrooms but this word itself have the power to change a mindset!
It changed mine and I believe It will change yours too!
So what does that sentence actually means?
That is to say that if you're doing a business, your business is one that could get IN TOUCH with as many people as you can! Affecting their daily needs with your product or service you offered!
Don't get me wrong but what I'm trying to say here is to let you see the difference in having a business and working for somebody.
Here's a very simple example that T. Harv Eker mentioned before, If you're, for example, a beautician, how many people can you "affect" in a day? (Take it that you're the business owner, and you're out to maximize Profits!)
10 maybe? or at most 20!
So here's an scenario, what if 1 day, your reputation gotten very good and out of a sudden, you have 100 person lining outside your store looking for your service, Are you going to tell the last person that
"OH, You'll have to make an appointment and I'll probably be free 3 months from now?!"
Just imagine how would that guest react? WALK AWAY!
Now, here's another scenario whereby You're owning a business, Maybe a stationary Shop.
Same situation, if your reputation gotten great and suddenly, everybody is coming to your store to get your high-Quality Pencils and Pens! The demand for this particular product sores by 10000!
What you'll do is just to place an bigger order on the supplies and there you go, AFFECTING all 10000 guest who come to buy your product!
As we all know, Time is Precious! Would you choose to affect 20 people a day or affect 10000 people a day? Your Choice!
I am not saying that the service industry will definitely lose out to the distributors or wholesalers.
But in a Business Prospective, With the same scenario, That was a case of a LOSS Customer!
I am ALSO, not saying that "If i am working for somebody, I will never be rich!"
I'll leaving explaining the Above sentence as another post. =)
I started practicing this theory on the Airline Manager game which i had blogged in my previous post.
I set myself out to affect As MANY PEOPLE as possible! Going for shorter flight routes and accommodating as many passengers as possible rather than getting plane to fly a Long Distance, Earn a lump sum but only affects a small portion of your "unlimited supply" (since it's a game) of guest!
Then, since it's a shorter route, my repeatability is higher than those of the Long Distance routes. True or true? TRUE!
So, next time you play a game or open a business, do take into consideration what I had mentioned!
Here are my 5 success for today:
1. I was ON TIME for this morning's lesson!
2. I meet up with Chang Da in school and had lunch with him today!
3. I got a call from my supervisor that the shoe i was suppose to get changed!
4. I deposited $1.20 into my Financial Freedom Account!
5. I have gotten back my motivation for success recently!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Today was an exciting day for me!
It was my first day visiting the theme park and it is fantastic!
And that's all I'll say, Dun wanna spill the beans yet!
Met up with my work colleagues and immediately, we started getting noisy early in the morning, CUZ we're super excited! HAHAS!
I spent half a day there touring the site and doing uniform fitting. There was also an assessment to see whether we can handle our Point-Of-Sales (POS) machine!
It was a pretty quick one and before long, it was 2pm! And we haven't had lunch!
So, Upon returning to harbourfront, The group who are free stayed behind for lunch while the rest had to go off.
I stayed for lunch and miggle with the funny people. There are some new faces that Its my first time hanging out with but it's fun!
As usual, I was the oldest there and we were talking about age, education and most of the time, JOKES!
And here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited $1.40 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I was the "IC" for our orientation group today!
3. I manage to pass my POS assessment!
4. I had lunch with my old and new friends after our site orientation!
5. I met up with Chereen and had a free Haircut!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
It was my first day visiting the theme park and it is fantastic!
And that's all I'll say, Dun wanna spill the beans yet!
Met up with my work colleagues and immediately, we started getting noisy early in the morning, CUZ we're super excited! HAHAS!
I spent half a day there touring the site and doing uniform fitting. There was also an assessment to see whether we can handle our Point-Of-Sales (POS) machine!
It was a pretty quick one and before long, it was 2pm! And we haven't had lunch!
So, Upon returning to harbourfront, The group who are free stayed behind for lunch while the rest had to go off.
I stayed for lunch and miggle with the funny people. There are some new faces that Its my first time hanging out with but it's fun!
As usual, I was the oldest there and we were talking about age, education and most of the time, JOKES!
And here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited $1.40 into my Financial Freedom Account!
2. I was the "IC" for our orientation group today!
3. I manage to pass my POS assessment!
4. I had lunch with my old and new friends after our site orientation!
5. I met up with Chereen and had a free Haircut!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Today is a OFF day for me.
I was woken up by a call from my supervisor this morning.
She had called me to tell me that The team is going to place a order directly with the Supplier for the shoes and that I DO NOT have to go shopping today!
Good or good? GOOD!
The first thing in the morning is already a good news!
After answering the call, i washed up and went off to Yew Tee CC to play basketball!
Although the Court was empty throughout the 2 hours, i still got to catch up with my secondary school friends!
Some of them are studying, some working but we all have a common thing, that is to still pick time out for basketball today! True or true? TRUE!
After the game, i had lunch with Samson and a friend that he brought along.
Samson is a currently studying at NTU but due to high expectations and poor string of results, he is considering dropping out of the course.
He asked for my advice about SIM's Global education and i told him about the difference of UOL and RMIT.
His girlfriend is studying at RMIT and by the look on his face, He seems to be assured to quit NTU soon.
Its a sad news to hear that he is even considering dropping out but that's just what nature is.
Anyway, I started on this facebook game call Airline Manager recently.
I would say that this application is a test of management skill. Managing an airline in this game is like managing a new business.
There's a startup capital which can be use to purchase more airplanes to expand the business or we can choose to invest into stocks of other airline (players).
It's also a test on a person's analytical skills in choosing which plane to buy, what's the fuel consumption rate, the range of the plane as well as the speed of the plane.
In short, we have to calculate the Return On Investment (ROI) of each airplane.
And ultimately, To make as much money as possible!
Although it is just a game, I do treat is like a test of my management skills.
Enough said, You have to try this game to see what benefits you can gain for yourself.
And here are my 5 success for today:
1. I deposited $1.70 into my Financial Freedom Account today!
2. I can save my trip to Causeway Point to look for my "working shoe" from a call from Hannah!
3. I played basketball and did some catching up with my secondary school friends!
4. I had late lunch with 1 new friend that i just met!
5. I am going for my job assessment tomorrow!
And with that, I'll end my Post with:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
"What you focus on expands!"
As you have read from my previous post, they're all complaints about feeling sick, or spending money!
OMG! talking about spending money, i was sharing with Meng Xiang the other day, that i had spent close to $200 over the new year!
Can you imagine spending $200 over just 5 days?!
Not to forget that i am only a student working part-time. Sighs
*Breathe deeply*
And that's all i have to COMPLAIN!
I have to go into another exercise of "No Complaints" for the next 10 days to calm my thoughts a little.
Actually, I was having a conversation with Chris just now and i admitted that i'm actually LOW on my Motivation recently.
Maybe i had too much Negative energy lately or should i say that my mind is FOCUSING on all the spending that makes my emotions taken over my mind!
I ought to slap myself with the band! Seriously!
Tomorrow i am having a basketball game with my secondary school friends and maybe some catching up as well! =)
After the game, I'll probably wash up and head to Causeway point to look for my Bata shoe that I'll need to get for my work!
And here my 5 success for today:
1. I woke up early and head to RELC today!
2. I enrolled myself for Janurary's T3B course!
3. I head to school and revised sociology from 12pm to 3pm!
4. I took and finished my Sociology test 2!
5. I borrowed a Sociology textbook which i am going to read and revise!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
As you have read from my previous post, they're all complaints about feeling sick, or spending money!
OMG! talking about spending money, i was sharing with Meng Xiang the other day, that i had spent close to $200 over the new year!
Can you imagine spending $200 over just 5 days?!
Not to forget that i am only a student working part-time. Sighs
*Breathe deeply*
And that's all i have to COMPLAIN!
I have to go into another exercise of "No Complaints" for the next 10 days to calm my thoughts a little.
Actually, I was having a conversation with Chris just now and i admitted that i'm actually LOW on my Motivation recently.
Maybe i had too much Negative energy lately or should i say that my mind is FOCUSING on all the spending that makes my emotions taken over my mind!
I ought to slap myself with the band! Seriously!
Tomorrow i am having a basketball game with my secondary school friends and maybe some catching up as well! =)
After the game, I'll probably wash up and head to Causeway point to look for my Bata shoe that I'll need to get for my work!
And here my 5 success for today:
1. I woke up early and head to RELC today!
2. I enrolled myself for Janurary's T3B course!
3. I head to school and revised sociology from 12pm to 3pm!
4. I took and finished my Sociology test 2!
5. I borrowed a Sociology textbook which i am going to read and revise!
With that, I'll end today's post with:
My flu subside a little but fever is coming in!!!
Anyway, I celebrated my 5th Anniversary with my girlfriend, Chereen at Lido!
Had Pepper lunch for dinner and some cake for desserts! Good or good? GOOD!
But before that, It was new class in the new year!
It's what people call:
I feel excited about this year with exams coming up and work scheduled with RWS!
Anyway the date was awesome other than Chereen having leg pains towards the end of the date due to her high heels. =X
I received a call from Hannah of RWS, my supervisor!
Guess what? I'm scheduled for work!!!
This coming thursday is the reporting date, 8.45am @ Harbourfront! Fantastic!
But before that, I'll need to go shopping for the shoes they selected from Bata!
Dunno how the shoes look like but guess I'll just have to go with it!
There's sociology test tomorrow and I'm still haven start revising! OMG!
So, I'll go offline now, Adios Amigoes,
1. I deposited $3.40 into my financial Freedom Account for 2 days! (Yesterdays and todays)
2. I attended my first class of the new year!
3. I Celebrated my 5th Anniversary with Chereen today!
4. I received a call from Hannah to start work this thursday!
5. I'm going to RELC tomorrow to settle my exams registration!
And I'll end today's post with:
Anyway, I celebrated my 5th Anniversary with my girlfriend, Chereen at Lido!
Had Pepper lunch for dinner and some cake for desserts! Good or good? GOOD!
But before that, It was new class in the new year!
It's what people call:
I feel excited about this year with exams coming up and work scheduled with RWS!
Anyway the date was awesome other than Chereen having leg pains towards the end of the date due to her high heels. =X
I received a call from Hannah of RWS, my supervisor!
Guess what? I'm scheduled for work!!!
This coming thursday is the reporting date, 8.45am @ Harbourfront! Fantastic!
But before that, I'll need to go shopping for the shoes they selected from Bata!
Dunno how the shoes look like but guess I'll just have to go with it!
There's sociology test tomorrow and I'm still haven start revising! OMG!
So, I'll go offline now, Adios Amigoes,
1. I deposited $3.40 into my financial Freedom Account for 2 days! (Yesterdays and todays)
2. I attended my first class of the new year!
3. I Celebrated my 5th Anniversary with Chereen today!
4. I received a call from Hannah to start work this thursday!
5. I'm going to RELC tomorrow to settle my exams registration!
And I'll end today's post with:
Monday, January 4, 2010
I'm down with a Flu, Running nose and possible Fever!
Nonetheless, I still drove to airport to fetch my uncle!
After fetching my uncle, he offered to send me to harbourfront to meet Chereen.
I had booked 4 tickets for Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 at 9.30pm!
It is a movie date and i enjoyed the movie.
I'm gonna leave it short today since i'm sick so here are my 5 success for today:
1. I drove to Changi Airport and avoid paying the parking fees while waiting for my uncle!
2. I got a free ride when my uncle drove me to harbourfront!
3. I was on time to meet Chereen!
4. I had saved $2 a person on movie tickets by using terence's SAFRA account to book!
5. I Paid for a dinner costing $64.00 for 4 person!
With this, I'll end today's post with:
Nonetheless, I still drove to airport to fetch my uncle!
After fetching my uncle, he offered to send me to harbourfront to meet Chereen.
I had booked 4 tickets for Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 at 9.30pm!
It is a movie date and i enjoyed the movie.
I'm gonna leave it short today since i'm sick so here are my 5 success for today:
1. I drove to Changi Airport and avoid paying the parking fees while waiting for my uncle!
2. I got a free ride when my uncle drove me to harbourfront!
3. I was on time to meet Chereen!
4. I had saved $2 a person on movie tickets by using terence's SAFRA account to book!
5. I Paid for a dinner costing $64.00 for 4 person!
With this, I'll end today's post with:
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Went out last night to celebrate New year with my girlfriend again!
This time, i drove jimmy home!
We went to McPherson Road to have their famous Prawn Noodles!
The noodles is comparable to the Penang Prawn noodles from AMK's S11 foodcourt!
The soup is good and the prawn is crispy!
Like they fried the prawn and put it into the soup!
After having dinner, We head to Rochor Road for beancurd!
The whole night was fun and full of eating!
(I'm getting FAT sia!)
I end the evening by going to Chereen's house to take some new shows!
She has a collection of new TV dramas that my mum and aunt love to watch!
This morning, I woke up and my mum told me that there is a promoter from Singtel here to promote the Early Bird Special for the Barclay's EPL package and I listen to him explain what benefits he offers by coming door to door!
And the "freebies" would be the free installation of the set-up box, plus i do not need to pay anything till July 2010 and can watch Champions League for free!
The catch is that I have to sign up 1 year of their TV drama channels for $19.90!
Sounds reasonable to me and eventually i signed up the package! Good or good? GOOD!
After signing the package, I head down to Yishun to collect my Pay from Zhen Yang!
"I am a money Magnet! Thank YOu! Thank you! Thank You!"
So, Here are my 5 success for today:
1. I drove to McPherson for their goodie Prawn noodles!
2. I deposited $1.20 into my financial Freedom Account!
3. I collected my Pay of $42.00 from Zhen Yang!
4. I Signed up for Singtel's Early Bird package for Sports Channel!
5. I received my Ibanking device from DBS!
And I'll end today's post with:
This time, i drove jimmy home!
We went to McPherson Road to have their famous Prawn Noodles!
The noodles is comparable to the Penang Prawn noodles from AMK's S11 foodcourt!
The soup is good and the prawn is crispy!
Like they fried the prawn and put it into the soup!
After having dinner, We head to Rochor Road for beancurd!
The whole night was fun and full of eating!
(I'm getting FAT sia!)
I end the evening by going to Chereen's house to take some new shows!
She has a collection of new TV dramas that my mum and aunt love to watch!
This morning, I woke up and my mum told me that there is a promoter from Singtel here to promote the Early Bird Special for the Barclay's EPL package and I listen to him explain what benefits he offers by coming door to door!
And the "freebies" would be the free installation of the set-up box, plus i do not need to pay anything till July 2010 and can watch Champions League for free!
The catch is that I have to sign up 1 year of their TV drama channels for $19.90!
Sounds reasonable to me and eventually i signed up the package! Good or good? GOOD!
After signing the package, I head down to Yishun to collect my Pay from Zhen Yang!
"I am a money Magnet! Thank YOu! Thank you! Thank You!"
So, Here are my 5 success for today:
1. I drove to McPherson for their goodie Prawn noodles!
2. I deposited $1.20 into my financial Freedom Account!
3. I collected my Pay of $42.00 from Zhen Yang!
4. I Signed up for Singtel's Early Bird package for Sports Channel!
5. I received my Ibanking device from DBS!
And I'll end today's post with:
Friday, January 1, 2010
It's the Countdown for the year 2010!
but before that, I had woken up at 5.15am to send my uncle to the airport!
I reached home at 7am and i went to bed.
Woke up at 3.30pm again to get ready to meet with my RWS colleagues.
I was still thinking whether to drive to town as it's going to be crowded.
But, as i was about to leave my house, I decide to ACT IN SPITE OF FEAR!
"How can i be worrying about parking lots and traffic if i haven't even start driving?!"
And true enough, I drove!
The traffic is a little packed but it's reasonable given that i'm heading to town at 7.30pm!
BUT what i fear most didn't happen! I turned into the Car park i had initially planned to go and upon entering it, THERE WAS AN EMPTY PARKING LOT STARING AT ME!
And so, I drove right into the parking lot, place $2.00 worth of parking Coupon and I'm done!
Good or good? GOOD!
I was also feeling very reluctant about pumping petrol for my uncle's car since he left a almost empty fuel car with me but I thought that this was the MINIMUM i can do to repay him.
But like always, Spending $70 on fuel is going to hurt you especially if you're not the person that is going to use the car.
And for that, I Acted in SPITE OF FEAR again!
I Have a good time with my RWS colleagues and we went berserk the moment the clock strikes Mid night!
We ran into Buggy Bar, a Open Concept Bar at Clarke Quey whereby they open up the dance floor for everybody!
The group of us just rush into the bar and started partying, Dancing away!
Some of them were first timers for this kind of occasion and i just explain that it's NORMAL!
You're now looking at what we call NIGHT LIFE!!
True or true? TRUE!
At around 1am, I left my colleagues and visit my Girlfriend. My second event of the Night begins!
and here's my 5 success for today:
1. I drove my uncle to the airport at 6am!
2. I acted in spite of fear and drove to town!
3. I experienced what it is like to drive in town!
4. I acted in spite of fear again But i went on to pump petrol!
5. I deposited $1.00 into my financial Freedom Account!
And I'll End today's post with :
but before that, I had woken up at 5.15am to send my uncle to the airport!
I reached home at 7am and i went to bed.
Woke up at 3.30pm again to get ready to meet with my RWS colleagues.
I was still thinking whether to drive to town as it's going to be crowded.
But, as i was about to leave my house, I decide to ACT IN SPITE OF FEAR!
"How can i be worrying about parking lots and traffic if i haven't even start driving?!"
And true enough, I drove!
The traffic is a little packed but it's reasonable given that i'm heading to town at 7.30pm!
BUT what i fear most didn't happen! I turned into the Car park i had initially planned to go and upon entering it, THERE WAS AN EMPTY PARKING LOT STARING AT ME!
And so, I drove right into the parking lot, place $2.00 worth of parking Coupon and I'm done!
Good or good? GOOD!
I was also feeling very reluctant about pumping petrol for my uncle's car since he left a almost empty fuel car with me but I thought that this was the MINIMUM i can do to repay him.
But like always, Spending $70 on fuel is going to hurt you especially if you're not the person that is going to use the car.
And for that, I Acted in SPITE OF FEAR again!
I Have a good time with my RWS colleagues and we went berserk the moment the clock strikes Mid night!
We ran into Buggy Bar, a Open Concept Bar at Clarke Quey whereby they open up the dance floor for everybody!
The group of us just rush into the bar and started partying, Dancing away!
Some of them were first timers for this kind of occasion and i just explain that it's NORMAL!
You're now looking at what we call NIGHT LIFE!!
True or true? TRUE!
At around 1am, I left my colleagues and visit my Girlfriend. My second event of the Night begins!
and here's my 5 success for today:
1. I drove my uncle to the airport at 6am!
2. I acted in spite of fear and drove to town!
3. I experienced what it is like to drive in town!
4. I acted in spite of fear again But i went on to pump petrol!
5. I deposited $1.00 into my financial Freedom Account!
And I'll End today's post with :
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