Friday, March 12, 2010


Tomorrow's working hours is early! Thus, I shall briefly post what happened today.

I watched Liverpool's Europa League game against Lille until 4am and talked on the phone until 6am where my dad was awake and getting ready to work. He came into my room and we talked a little before Him leaving for work and me going to sleep.

I know it's very hurtful for the body to stay up overnight. Especially when we're young and we don't see the side effects now. I shall aim to reduce staying up late in days to come. Especially with exams coming, I don't want my body to be in a bad condition. Already, I've been down with occasional flu which are tell-tale signs of falling sick.

But that's that, Here's a motivational Video that was posted on my Facebook by Chris and wanted to re-post it to let everybody sees it.

I find the video very nice and a little on the touching side. I've got to say this, a lot of times, we do things by the way we see fit regardless of what others might comment. Don't get me wrong because i know sometimes we are right even though we are against all odds. But most of the time, Our mind limit our potential.

Take running for example, If a person set his mind out to run 5 KM every time he goes jogging, He shall stop at 5KM and never break that distance because his mind will remind him that: "Hey, You've reached your destination! You can REST now!"

Having run 5KM myself, I know how it feels like, Tired? YES! Extremely Tired? NO! Capable of carrying on Running? HELL YES!

But if my mind keeps telling me for every additional distance i run and i puff, it said: "It's okay, You don't have to torture yourself by running more!" Then, I am consider a quitter!

Have you Ever heard of a saying that: "Records are meant to be broken"? I am a strong believer of this sentence. Not to the extent of world records but rather, YOUR PERSONAL RECORDS!

Take Running as example again, If you have completed a 5 KM run, The next challenge a runner should do is to run 6KM! And I'm sure you'll know what i mean.

Putting that example into Economical terms, If you are already earning $5000 a month, The next challenge should be to earn $5500 or whatever amount that is higher than the previous. Don't get me wrong because I never say it's going to be easy. But If you keep aiming to do better, YOU WILL SUCCEED at that!

So here are my 5 Success for today:

1. I received a call from a person whom have just saw my resume off Job Central website and she asked if i want to go for Interview which i kindly postpone that till end of my exams for further discussion!

2. I was able to chat with Chereen for 2 hours last night and I'm glad we could talk our hearts out!

3. I was telling myself that i need to do some crunches and went ahead without thinking!

4. I made a Unrealized Profit of more than $50 today!

5. I Practiced "The Secret" last night that the Stock Market will be GREEN GREEN! (positive!)

With this, I shall end tonight's post with:


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