Friday, May 28, 2010


I woke up this morning greeted with a good new that the STI have been on course for rebounding. At lunchtime, i looked at the index and was quite happy that the market is on course for recovery. Whether is it going to be a short recovery or not, nobody knows.

But what i know is, tomorrow is a non-trading day for SGX due to a public holiday. I felt sad. Maybe i should go find a job that pays me higher wages on public holidays and during mondays to friday, I actually felt excited, more so than over a weekend when i know that the financial markets are close. =(

So here are some of my analysis:

You can always click onto the photo to zoom in if you cannot see the details. As you can see, Chart 1 shows that STI traded above the support level i have indicated. Another good news is that there is new peak formed at the top as shown in detailed chart 2 (below)

In chart 2, I've circled the 2 trading highs that eventually formed the peak line and as you can see, the STI actually closes quite near the peak. And on top of that, we've just witnessed a 2 day continuous recovery.

In Chart 3, I've chosen a stock that i had previously traded, Singapore Airport Terminal. I received a email from my broker on some recommendation on this stock this morning and as a result, the stock 'fly away' due to this recommendation i suppose. But anyway, what i'm trying to bring across is that we can't stop rumors, which is why t3b system would advised us to enter only in the 2nd break peak.

I have indicated a small note there stating that the break peak today was the first one. So, If the STI continues to rebound strongly (i.e. a 40 points gain or more), We could see a new peak formed as fast as 3 trading days, with that, we should be clear as to whether this stock could sustain the momentum to break the 2nd peak. So here's my recommendation and analysis from monitoring this stock.

Lastly, I would also like to share a video that i found from the Yahoo! finance page. The person in the video was claiming about how trader's feeling scary in this current situation. He also commented on the low volume being traded.

Thus, I hope you could gain some insights from this video.

I know my post today is a very technical and some of you may not understand what i'm trying totally but i hope I'm able to simplify my words so that even non-traders would know a little.

Cheerios, And enjoy a long weekend ahead!

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