Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Road to Financial Freedom

I decided to retain the history of this blog as i do not want to do away with all the teachings that I've received since I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) by T Harv Eker. It is and always will be a turning point of my life.

At the age of 22, I understood the importance of passive income and as some might be able to tell from this blog's history, I have been trading. I never give up on my goal to be financially free. Up to today, After having stopped blogging for this period, I can proudly proclaim that i still am doing things that would make me passive income and reaching towards my goal of financial freedom.

Now, As i turn 25 this year, I'm glad to share here that I've achieved a more constant returns on my capital. My Return of Investment nowadays is targeted at 2% monthly. YES! it's 2% monthly!

Too low? Or too good? It all depends on how each individual is faring currently with their financial health. As you can probably foresee what is to come next, I'll reveal that: YES! Your mindset towards your financial health is as important as your physical cash-pile that you owned.

I'll treat this post as a agenda for what i might have to share in the posts that follows.

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